Sunday 8 September 2019 – Preveza
Up fairly late and had a slow breakfast leaving the anchorage at 10:30. The swell had gone down a lot over night so it wasn’t a disturbed night. Richard unwrapped the mainsail again, but for most of the journey there was only 3-4 knots of wind and that mostly on the nose. Despite Richard’s cleaning off the prop and the fishes in the anchorage eating the weed on the hull and prop we were only doing just over 4 knots at 2,500 revs. We think there must have been current against us. Then for the last hour and a half the wind went around on the beam and got up first to 8 knots and finally to 15 knots. Because we were so close to our destination we didn’t put up the main, but did put out the Genoa and that took our speed eventually to just under 6 knots.
The marina is much smaller than I expected but well appointed and extremely friendly. We have paid for one night although our reservation is for 2 nights. We are waiting to speak to the technical department tomorrow morning to see if they have organised a plumber to come and try to sort our water heater out. In the meantime we got milk from the mini market, had a drink at the café which is also a restaurant and went back there for dinner. There is good free WIFI, and we are connected to electricity. Our solar panels seem not to charge the batteries as well as we hoped, but we see they are dirty so we will clean them tomorrow
We really didn’t know exactly where the marina was (speaking personally that is – R has a plotter which tells him exactly where we are going), but the channel to it was buoyed and we found it with no trouble. The marina staff were wonderful in helping us to moor in somewhat windy conditions.
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