Friday 20 September 2019 – Gouvia

The rain did not last all night.  I was nervous and got up a couple of times to see all was well with both weather and anchor. We left the anchorage about 11am. The anchor was certainly well set. First the windlass strained to get it up.  For a moment I thought we had snagged it on something.  But no, when it came up it was completely full of thick sticky mud.  In the end I had to use a boat hook to clean it off.

We went to the fuel pontoon to top the tank up for the winter.  To our surprise it took nearly 50 litres.  Then on to our berth.  So now we are here for the winter and must sort the boat out.

Our first task is to find someone to care for the boat and do the usual maintenance.  The firm we have been using are the ones who messed up the installation of the water heater.  We thought that we would give them one last chance to make amends.  But when I spoke to them and told them that it had been turned around and now was working all they did was give me excuses about why they did what they did.  Given their attitude we will not use them again.  The marina has put us on to another group and we have found an Englishman who works here and was recommended by one of the boats on our pontoon.  We will get quotes from them by Monday and make up our mind who to go with. At the moment we are minded to instruct the Englishman if only because we can communicate better and he knows about Southerly boats.

The weather is turning so it is just as well that our trip is coming to an end.  The wind has got up and it was gusting 17-20 knots at one point this afternoon.  Work on the boat will start more seriously tomorrow. 


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