Thursday 13 June 2019 – Petalas Island (again)
The morning went well. I went over to the café to use their loo and free WIFI so we could download the newspapers. We had breakfast and topped up the water tank. It was a bit late when we left 9:45 or so, but we didn’t have far to go. We planned to go to the island of Oxia where we had anchored a couple of years ago. The pilot book says there are three bays on the island. One is now a fish farm, but you can anchor in the other two. But when we got there we found that all the bays are now occupied by fish farms. The only bit of coast free had depths of 44 meters, hardly suitable for anchoring. So we had to retrace our steps yet again and go to Petalas Island. The weather is very hot with inconstant winds varying from 6-14 knots. Worst of all, the wind was on the nose as usual. So another motor.
We are anchored in more or less the same spot as before. We meant to take a swim, but the wind got up and made it comfortable, so we didn’t go in. Lunch and supper aboard, but not real cooking. It was 32C below at one stage. I managed to boil up some pasta and use a jar of Sicilian pesto for us to eat without having to spend much time below.
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