Sunday 16 June 2019 – Kioni (Ithaka)
I didn’t get to write a blog yesterday, but little happened. We stayed in Vathi on Saturday. The only problem has been the heat. It has been over 30C and I am not coping well. Because we are in a town there is nowhere to swim. Some people seem to be going towards a beach, but we were led to believe that it is rather far away, not an attractive thought in this heat.
But we did do domestic chores including shopping. The showers on shore are wonderful. There are 4 new showers installed in a launderette charging 2 Euros for 4 minutes and they really made us feel better. Because I couldn’t face cooking in the heat we had a light bite out and then hosted the couple on the boat next door for a drink.
We left at a reasonable time this morning. I did fail to get any fresh bread however, because despite walking to the other end of town, the shop was shut. Apparantly they open late on Sundays.
We were only going 6 miles. There is no wind and Richard didn’t even think about unwrapping the sails. We got to Kioni just before noon. We had expected to find a lot of room in the harbour at that time, but not so. There was basically one small space where Richard thought we would be bound to cross anchors with the adjoining boats. Then luckily a boat left and we were able to take their space. We had a heck of a time lining up and Richard and I misunderstood each other despite using our walkie-talkies. We had a time trying to tighten up the anchor. We are warned that there is a big surge in the harbour between 8-9pm when a ferry passes. We hope our anchor is adequately set to avoid any problem. We will be on board as I have to cook some prawns I bought frozen yesterday and they have now defrosted.
Kioni is like a very little Fiscado. It also seems nearly as busy. We certainly were lucky to get a space on the wall. There are at least 18 boats on the wall and over 20 boats anchored around the harbour with long lines ashore. Given that this is a very small place, it is crowded.
One good thing about where we are is that there is a proper swimming place. It is only yards away from the boat. There are steps down to a bathing ladder and the water is cool (about 25C) and crystal clear. So after nearly 4 weeks in Greece we finally got to swim.
It was 31C in the cabin when I cooked dinner. Ugh. We are also worried about the electricity. Despite it being a hot sunny day, our batteries have not charged up well. Also despite motoring for about 2 hours the water did not get hot. Here we go again. Only good thing is that we found water available here and were able to get a man to fill up our tank.
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